Carus Chemical’s (Carus LLC) primary product, potassium permanganate, is best known as a chemical for treating municipal drinking water. It was originally made for use in explosives during WWI, and it is used in mining, fracking, and refining crude oil. Illicit drug manufacturers also make cocaine with it.
The company also produces phosphates and has current contracts with the Department of Defense. It is protected from FOIA laws as a chemical weapons manufacturer under Executive Order 2023-03 signed by Illinois Governor Pritzker in March 2023, shortly after the Carus chemical factory warehouse started on fire and rained chemicals onto the town of LaSalle, Illinois.

One thought on “Carus Chemical

  1. Thank you for this! Well researched and it highlights the problem of making poisonous substances and the disregard the companies have for communities. Also the laughable enforcement and regulation by the EPA. How many more tragedies like this or the train derailments of toxic chemicals need to happen?

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